It might have taken you a while but you are the girl who knows your worth
It might have taken you a while, but you are the girl who knows her worth. The girl who knows her worth will never settle for less than she deserves. She has limits and boundaries and she communicates them effectively. She will not let anyone violate her boundaries just because she likes them. She will reiterate her boundaries because she loves herself. She loves herself so much that she will not entertain anyone who doesn’t recognize who she is and her worth. She is tired of playing games and will not engage in them. She knows her worth, so she has no problem being alone until the right person comes along. She will not let loneliness lower her standards. She will continue to wait until she meets someone who is worthy of her time. She is an asset to anyone that she encounters.
The girl who knows her worth will not play second best. She will not stand by to be one of many. She will not let you play games with her heart. She will only stick around when she is one of one. She will not allow you to pick and choose when you can come into her life. She is not just an option and she will let you know this. She will tell you her expectations. If these expectations are not being met, she has no problem with walking away. She will not let you figure it out, because she is so sure of her worth.
The girl who knows her worth knows what she brings to the table. In fact, she is the table, the appetizers, the entree, and the dessert. The girl who knows her worth is constantly evolving into the best version of herself. She is loving and kind and puts her best foot forward. She gives her all in her relationships and she expects the same in return. She is passionate and wants the same passion given to her. She is kind and passionate and wears her heart on her sleeves. She believes in love and knows that there is someone out there that is perfect for her.
The girl who knows her worth, has dealt with a lot of pain. She has endured heartbreak, but has risen above it. She knows what it feels like to sell herself short. She has felt unworthy in the past. She has been with partners that have not treated her well. However, she has evolved . She knows her worth because she has spent years undervaluing herself. She has risen to the occasion and knows exactly who she is now.